this is what i have been doing for the past week! last saturday i was sitting on the floor painting pictures for jack's room and when i stood up i couldn't straighten my right knee. the pain was pretty bad (only when i would straighten it...that was a blessing). anyway, jack was in columbus for the weekend so that we could get last minute things done around the house without him here...another blessing. so saturday johnny made phone calls to his dad and andrew (house) both ER docs to see what they said they thought it was. johnny's dad thought it might be a meniscus tear, but house thought that but didn't really that it was that. sunday we went to pick up jack and sunday night kelly and house brought some crutches over for me (my first time using crutches). i learned how to use them pretty quick around the house.
monday i called my OB and asked if they could refer me to an ortho doc and they got me in to see him at 2:30. he didn't know what it was and gave me a brace to put on my knee to see if i could lock it into place and try to get it straight. i hated it so much and just felt stuck. so i wore it some but didn't wear it as much as i should have. so i called the next day and said it wasn't better so they scheduled me for am MRI for 2 days later (thursday). i couldn't get my knee straight enough for the one they sent me to so i had to go have a "real" MRI at another hospital. it wasn't that bad because my head was out of the tube. i was more worried about laying on my back for 3o minutes. i got my results friday saying that my knee looked normal...thank goodness! today i can straighten more than i have been able it is almost straight with slight pain. i have walked around the den without my crutches some but it's not easy with my extra weight.
lots of people have been super nice to us the past week. i have had lots of help with jack from my friend melissa, andrea, jason, lori and of course susan. andrea and kelley have made us dinner which was so nice! johnny has been the BEST husband ever this week (he's always the BEST though). he has had to do chores, cook, take care of jack and me. he doesn't sit down until 9:30 at night for a quick breather before bed. i really don't know what i would have done without him. he seriously is the BEST EVER!!!!
the moral to the story is....don't sit on the floor at 36 weeks pregnant!!!!!
charlie is getting bigger and bigger....know how i can tell? he kicks my side and ribs all.the.time! he is full term today :) i am 2 cm dilated. he weighs 6 1/3 pounds and measures a bit over 19 inches, head to heel.
i have gained 42 pounds so far!!
i get to have an ultrasound next week to see how big he is.
it is getting super close to his arrival and we still have some stuff to get. not much though. we are pretty set.
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