
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, February 28, 2010


jack has been into his legos lately. he loves to get the heavy bag and bring it over to me to open. then he loves to dump the legos out of the bag! he is getting really good at putting the legos together.

look mama!

this morning he built a really tall lego tower. he would bring all the legos over and put them together (with a little help from me...really just a little help)
he was proud!

notice all the yellow ones that he put together. on the backside there were lots of red ones together too. then the top of the tower has blue ones. he would go get all the red ones and then he got the yellow and then he got the blue. i think that is pretty smart!

taking it apart is fun too!

in other news i think jack is getting his molars in. i don't know when they will pop out but his gums are super super hard and he is drooling a ton. we'll see!

also jack has been sleeping through the night for the past week!! yay jack! no more nursing in the middle of the night!

Monday, February 22, 2010

emily's off to brazil and jack is 16 months old

we had emily, steven, and karis over for dinner the other night and karis sat in jack's old bumbo. jack saw it the next morning and HAD to play in it. his thighs got stuck a few times, but he had fun!

this is how jack plays with his bilibo! he also likes to put cars in there and balls.

it is FINALLY warm enough to go outside!! yay! jack and i went to the park on friday afternoon to play. he loved being outside!

a 3 year old little boy was playing with sticks and jack wanted to be just like him. he stayed by his side and wanted to do what he did. it was cute!

he found a ball and had a lot of fun!

molly came to birmingham this weekend to visit and to tell emily bye before she left for brazil. emily and steven, along with babyy karis, are going to brazil to be missionaries!! we are so proud of them and will be praying for them because i know it will be a huge culture shock and being that far away from family is hard. they are doing a great thing for the Lord and i thank them for that.
we had brunch over at emily's parent's house. it was yummy and jack had a blast playing with emily's old stove and sink toy.

jack wanted to be in the picture.

saturday afternoon johnny and i took jack out in our backyard to explore. well jack explored a little too hard and fell down. our backyard has a slight slope to it and he got going too fast and fell right on his face! he only cried for a few seconds then it was back to exploring. he is so tough!!

he skipped his nap saturday because he fell asleep on the way back from emily's. so after molly and i went to the store he stayed asleep in my arms for a quick cat nap.

we finally got our tree chopped up! it took 4 guys 3 hours to do it. jack really enjoyed watching them work.

jack in a box!

jack turned 16 months old yesterday!
some things about jack:
* no more baby food!!! jack just decided that he wanted to refuse babyfood at night about a week or two ago. so i took that as a hint that i needed to really try real solid food for him. no more bad gag reflex. thank goodness!
* his favorite foods are:
- cheese quesadilla with "d" (dip)
- veggie chicken nuggets
- veggie burgers
- strawberries
- pickles
- pizza
- spaghetti
- yogurt
- fries
- applesauce
- baked beans
- hot dogs
* he's still not talking, but he babbles a ton
* loves milk (with a little chocolate...i am slowly taking away some of the chocolate syrup at a time)
* olivia
* yo gabba gabba
* elmo
* apple juice (no more oj because i read that that might have something to do with excema)
* slamming doors
* using a fork
* books
* gymboree class
* baths (which he is doing so much better in the bath. he has always loved them but he was so crazy that me and johnny hated to give him a bath. it took both of us...johnny holding his arms and me washing him. now i can do it by myself!! finally! he understands when we say to stay on his bottom. i love watching him in the tub. he has so much fun and plays so well!
* can give kisses now. you know the "open mouth baby kisses"...i love it!
* i am down to nursing him 1 time a day. i haven't nursed him in the middle of the night in about 5 nights!
* he has slept the whole night the past 2 nights...keep it up jack!

i am sure there's much more about him that i am forgetting about. he is so sweet and such a joy to be around. i love every second of everyday with him, but my most favorite time of the day is after his nap when i give him his milk and sit on the couch snuggling with him. i love my little booger bear!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

happy valentine's day

happy valentine's day

i am a little late posting from valentine's day. johnny got the flu on saturday morning and still felt pretty bad on sunday. i have had a cold for about a week now and haven't been sleeping well at night. so i have been kind of tired. i would have posted monday during jack's nap, but for some reason he chose not to take a nap. he just talked in his crib for an hour and a half! then i would have posted yesterday, but johnny called me at 9:00 saying he had a migraine and needed me to come pick him up from work to rest for a bit. he rested but never felt better from it so he took the rest of the day off. hopefully our house will feel all better soon! now on to the fun stuff...
we got jack a balloon for valentine's day (above picture). he loved it and still loves it!

jack opening his present from us.

we got him a drum, a book, and a cow that moos

poor sick johnny on valentine's day. i made him some sugar cookies with homemade icing. they were super yummy!

johnny gave me a vera bradley purse!! i LOVE it! (i don't know why it is underlining in blue right here)

we didn't feel like cooking anything so we got take out from pf changs! which is totally fine with me :)

mcwane center with grandmol

jack had a blast at the mcwane center on monday morning. he played with all kinds of cool things! he loved the blue sand, blocks, and the room that gets smaller as you walk through it.

looking at the sting rays and the sharks

as i mentioned above that jack didn't want to take his nap on monday. after we went to walmart that afternoon he fell asleep in the car. i carried him in and laid him down on the couch and he stayed there for about 30 minutes. so it is jack's first true nap on the couch! don't worry i put tons of pillows down on the ground next to him just in case he fell. he was very confused when he woke up :)

Friday, February 12, 2010

snow day!

we went to robby and andrea's for dinner last weekend and jack and clara got on the train together. jack always plays with this when we go over there and clara knows that so she brought it over to him to ride. so sweet!

jack is starting to like sesame street. he plays with his toys and watches elmo in the morning.
then it is time for gilmore girls...which jack does not watch but he does stop and literally drop everything when the opening song comes on. i guess he does this because he knows that i like it and sing it. i think it is so funny! i promise he doesn't watch tv all day. we play non stop after those 2 shows (and he plays during gilmore girls). the only other time he watches tv is during snack time (olivia or a taped yo gabba gabba and ocassionaly the wonder pets).

i just thought this one was so cute

we got a free book in the mail the other day for putting 4 codes from his yogurt into the yobaby website. he was so proud of this book and went all over the house reading it to himself...this is one of the spots.
we also signed up for the dolly parton imagination library and got his first book that same day. he will get one book every month until he is 5!!! thanks emily!

we went to krispy kreme with andrea and clara the other day. jack loved watching the donuts but did not like the donut...unlike clara who chowed down! i kind of figured jack wouldn't like it. more for me and johnny!! the funny thing is i couldn't taste the donut because of my cold and i still ate it!! i still don't have my taste back (today is day 3 of no taste!!!)

i have been going a little stir crazy the past couple of days. we both have colds so we couldn't go to his gymboree class :( so we colored instead! he loved it! i taped newspaper down on the kitchen floor and then taped pieces of paper down on that. we colored for probably 30 minutes.

grandmol gave jack this shirt from a trip her and sonny went on together. it says "i may be little, but to grandma i am big stuff"

snow day!

it snowed today!! jack really enjoyed watching it and i think he even kind of said snow today in his own little way. after his nap we bundled up and went out to play...

jack liked to look down at his feet in the snow. i guess it felt weird to him.

he was having so much fun until he fell over a stick and got his hands dirty. he is so much like his uncle ty in that he hates to get his hands dirty. he is funny. he only hates to get them dirty if it was an accident or if it is unexpected (like the snow was really cold)...he doesn't mind his hands getting dirty with his "dip" (ketchup or ranch) or squeezing a mandarin orange. he is a funny little guy!

after he fell he wouldn't let me put him down so i thought if i went out front then maybe he would want to get down in the snow...nope. he cried!!

pete hates the snow. it is a good thing we don't live up north or else i would have to train him to use a litter box!!

i thought this was so pretty. the white snow with the colorful sunset!

Thursday, February 4, 2010


last night jack and i were in his room. he was on his chair and i was hanging up clothes. he had his favorite book, "the very hungry caterpillar". he started flipping the pages and read to himself. it was the cutest thing in the world! he didn't say the actual words, but i know he was reading that book and pointing to the pictures. it was a very proud moment!!

also i was showing johnny jack's new tricks...i said "point to your nose" and he did! i said "point to your ears...eyes...mouth" and he did all of those! my child is a genius!! haha! but seriously i was impressed that my teaching worked :)

jack also said "toodee" last night. toodee is a character on yo gabba gabba. he was playing with her last night and i said "what is her name? her name is toodee. say toodee. say toodee...over and over." he walked into the kitchen and next thing we know we heard "toodee" we couldn't believe it. he wouldn't say it again.

jack has been going to sleep on his own since friday night!! yay for jack! i should have done this a long time ago. it took me months to get the courage to try letting him "cry it out" after the last time because he cried so hard. but this time it is like he was fine with it. he cried for a few seconds and then was asleep (or quiet). i am so proud of him (and me!).
next mission is to get him to sleep through the night!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


jack enjoyed his second class at gymboree. i will try to take a better picture next time. this atleast gives you an idea of what we do on thursday mornings. it is bigger than it looks in this picture.

we went to the circus on saturday with robby, andrea, and clara. it was fun! the kids really seemed to enjoy it. ckara understood a little bit better than jack because she knows what the animals are, but jack loved watching everything. in fact he hardly took his eyes off of the action!

with daddy!

with mama!

the elephants

jack was worn out after the circus.

here is another picture of our tree that fell in our backyard. i found out that it is a red oak tree.