
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Friday, July 30, 2010

21 months

jack is 21 months old!
i can see him learning more and more everyday! it is so incredible!! he is so sweet most of the time...unless somebody takes a toy away from him or he tries to take somebody else's toy. we are working very hard to try to get him to understand sharing. that is why i take him so many places that have other kids so that maybe he will learn by the time he starts school. i love that i get to stay home with him and teach him new things. i am the luckiest momma in the world!!

about jack at 21 months:
* says 2 words together (momma "gasses", sit down, hold on, and some other ones that i can't think of)
* loves "gasses" (glasses)
* likes green beans
* calls johnny "johnny" sometimes instead of daddy (he started this at the lake)
* loves "memo" (nemo)
* loves buses and trucks
* trying more and more new foods and liking them
* says "cookie" when he sees publix!!
* still wears a size 4 diaper and size 6 or 7 shoes
* i guess he still weighs about 26 pounds
* will say "dancing" when he dances and "bouncing" when he jumps
* both feet leave the trampoline when he jumps now (although it still looks very spastic!)

"head" (mr. potato head)

here are the cookies from the cookbook that i posted about a few days ago. they turned out yummy! johnny didn't like them all that much because he said they tasted like bread instead of a cookie. so maybe i will try to make them into bread next time.
the spaghetti and meatballs were also very good and easy to make!

jack enjoying zucchini and he didn't even know it!

our creation at the mcwane center! we made it in honor of daddy :)

jack gets so excited about everything these days!

evenings in the backyard

we gave jack his first popsicle a few nights ago. he did so good! it hardly dripped on him at all and when it did he freaked out and wanted us to clean it up. he would say "uh oh" until we wiped it.

there are 2 things that johnny could be thinking:
1) awe jack is so cute eating his popsicle
2) man i really want a bite of that popsicle
i am going to bet it is the latter!!


we got a bubble machine from aunt molly in the mail when we got home from the lake. jack thought it was really loud when i put it together on the porch, but once we took it outside he LOVED it! it makes a million bubbles!!! thanks molly!
(notice johnny's shoes...haha)

so excited!

jack and i went to get a new sprinkler from home depot yesterday. i saw some kids playing in it at house and kelly's and thought that jack would like it because it doesn't spastically (sp?) spray like our caterpillar sprinkler and it doesn't rotate like our normal sprinkler. the kid still hates it! oh well! next summer maybe he will love to run through sprinklers. i remember playing in ours as a kid and LOVING it! he would rather play with the hose...

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

hardaway 10 year reunion

me and julie

johnny and me
johnny was the cutest guy there!!

me and jonathan

we went to my 10 year high school reunion on saturday. we got to show jack off at the tour of the school that afternoon. it was fun to think about all the memories that i have in that building! that night we went to a dinner and dance. everything was very nice. it was at the columbus country club and the food was very tasty. we got 3 drink tickets each so johnny said that he was going to get hammered because he was going to take my tickets. he didn't get hammered thank goodness. i actually had to give a ticket to get a sprite and he didn't like the beer they had. he drank wine instead.
i only had 2 friends come that i was close to in high school :( i wish that a lot of other people had come, but oh well! so i just talked to jonathan pinney and his girlfriend, johnny, and julie the whole time. i spoke to a few people but for the most part just talked to them and caught up. i am glad that i went just to see what it would be like. it was awkward, but fun :)
good job julie planning it!!

summer visit to mimi and papa's

mimi reading to jack

watching a show with papa

my mom and i thought this was so funny!

this is fun!

"mur mur" (more!)

i love this look...he was so proud

go daddy go!

jack decided that he would rather push it than ride in it

look at his back muscles

here he comes down the slide!

playing in the sand table with papa

mimi and me in the pool with out jack :)


so happy at mimi and papa's house!

i just love this picture :)

crying face

we have been wanting to take a picture of jack crying because he looks soooo pitiful! he makes a better crying face right before the tears flow but i didn't get my camera in time. i will try again some other time. it is hard for me to think about getting a camera when i am either trying to soothe him or trying to discipline him.

i helped my grandmother pick these cups out when i was little from winn dixie :)

when i get him in his towel, i always say "awe my little bitty baby" and he thinks it is funny. sometimes before i can say it jack will say "baby"

my child...the genius! i thought this was so good. he lined up his cars all by himself and then tried to push the back one like a train

we just got a new cookbook that hides veggies and fruit in food. so we are trying out a few new things. tonight we are going to make turkey meatballs with butternut squash and carrots hidden in them and the sauce. i am also going to bake some oatmeal cookies with zucchini and banana in them. we'll see!! the cookbook is called Deceptively Delicious

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

lake reunion 2010

we had a lot of fun at the lake this year! jack's favorite things were the stairs, the lake, the boat, and all the kids! he liked learning all the new and not so new names. we missed a lot of people this year but we still had a blast! hopefully we will get to go next year.

jack got to ride on his first airplane! i was a nervous wreck packing for him and making sure i had everything that i would need in the airplane and at the lake house. i got him some new toys at the dollar store for the plane. his most favorite toy was the dry erase board. we didn't get a seat for jack because he is under 2 so he could sit on our laps. i was stressed about how he would do...why did i stress because he did awesome!!! i was so proud of him and us! he was great in the airport too. he just ran around and played with toys.

jack on his first plane

how we rolled his through the airport to get to our connecting flight. it was the best $15 we have spent in a while!

looking at the pretty water

jack's first time in the lake this year

first time on the boat this year

playing cops and robbers
we also enjoyed a few games of mafia and balderdash

i love this picture of johnny with his beer and sparklers!! haha

here's all the pics from the rest of the trip. the pictures above were just some of my favorites!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

the sleepy time twirl

jack loves powdered sugar donuts, can't you tell?!? we don't get them very often because me and johnny like them too much and eat the whole bag within a few days and if we had it our way we would eat them all that night :)

he is just too cute! we watch a short show before naptime pretty much everyday...unless we are out and about or eat lunch too late. he thinks it is fun to cover up with the blanket :)

you can tell that it is almost naptime because he is twirling his precious!

here's a video of him sucking his pacie and twirling his hair...he twirls it around his thumb a lot of the time.

Monday, July 12, 2010

gray and green

we went to the botanical gardens on sunday. johnny put jack in a gray shirt with green shorts. johnny was wearing green shorts so i ran in our room and got his gray shirt as a joke. i thought johnny would never put it on because he hates to match!! but he did it. so i had to run with it and i got my gray shirt and green shorts and put it on. so we were triplets for a few hours (until johnny decided he had enough embarrassment and changed when we got home)


i think this picture is funny cause i look like a giant and jack looks like a little ant

aren't they so cute?!?

daddy and jack's mcwane morning

johnny brought jack to the mcwane center saturday morning while i went to help kelly out with her yard sale. they had a lot of fun! i was so proud of johnny and so excited for jack to get to spend a morning out with his daddy for the first time.

jack climbed the stairs...a lot!

they measured his brain waves (or something like that)

johnny even got somebody to take their picture by the shark tank!

they were sitting on a bench drinking some "mulk" and jack wanted to get an up close view of the fish

jack likes to do what the big kids are doing...he watched them and when they were done he gave it a shot!

when they got home, johnny fixed jack's lunch and even put him down for a nap for the first time since he was a tiny baby! yay for dadda!! i was super proud :)