
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Saturday, January 28, 2012

bye bye pacie...for good!

on 1-24-12 jack put his pacies in a baggie and put them under his pillow for the pacie fairy to give to babies in pacieland!! it was actually his idea. monday afternoon he put his car pacie in his mouth and was talking to his teacher, ms. marcia and she said that she couldn't understand him with his pacie in his mouth. so on the way home i told jack that people can't understand what he is saying with it in his mouth and then he said, "maybe the tooth fairy could come and get them." i don't know where he came up with this, but i was just going to go with it. so i said that the pacie fairy could come and get it. he was excited and was all for it, but he did say, "i have to be older so i can do it tomorrow."
after we put jack to bed tuesday night i got a tad bit teary eyed thinking about my baby boy growing up.
he has been doing GREAT with it. he has only somewhat asked for it once. we were in the car on the way to columbus and he said, "babies need small pacies and big kids need bigger pacies so i need a big pacie." i said no buddy they don't make them that big! and he hasn't said anything since. he sleeps all night and goes to sleep great. he did miss his nap on wednesday but that is because it was a school day and on school days going down for a nap is always hard for some reason. he has woken up a little earlier some mornings, but that is ok.

the pacie fairy left him $5 which he calls "a $5 money bill".

we brought him to toys r us wednesday night and told him he could pick out whatever. he picked a drawbridge with salty the train.

we are so proud of our jack jack!!

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