
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Friday, July 20, 2012

climber and swimmer's ear

 charlie is no longer my "easy" baby...he keeps me on my feet all day. he is a climber and he LOVES to get into pete's water bowl. but he sure is one cute climber!!

 poor jack will never be able to play with anything without charlie getting it again

 sitting in his chair...and look at those pearly whites! he has 4 total now...2 top, 2 bottom. he is getting 2 more top teeth now.

 i made jack a hot dog octopus in a sea of noodles and goldfish :)

 jack got swimmer's ear when he was in columbus and to get him to let us put drops in his ear we had to bribe him with a playdoh kit that i bought. (yes i bribe my child...i don't care if you judge me). he HATES the drops and i had to practically hold him down to get them in his ear. he is still very protective over that ear...although today he said, "which ear was it that was hurt?" so that just tells me that he is better.
i really want to put drops in after he swims for now on...we'll see if he lets us!

 we went to the zoo on thursday and saw the reptiles...jack's new favorite part of the zoo

we went with jack's bff!

1 comment:

Kelley said...

Swimmers ear is one of THE most painful things I've ever experienced. You must be strong on the drops, even if you do it while he sleeps!