(andrea left me a nice little surprise on our front steps....thanks andrea)
i turned 30 on the 17th. 30 was a hard one for me to turn for some reason. i guess because everybody makes a big deal about it. i know when i turn 40 it will be really hard for me because i can remember thinking my parents were sooo old at 40. anyway, i feel ok about being 30 now. when i think about all the things that i have done in my 30 years i think about how lucky i am!!
(jack said, "look, utters")
i have 2 parents that have always loved and supported me no matter what! i have a great big brother who tried to walk me to my classroom in 3rd grade because he was proud to be my big brother, but ended up bringing me to the wrong classroom. i have met so many wonderful friends through out my life who have helped me learn so much about life and friendship.
(johnny took off half a day and we headed to the mcwane center)
i met and married the love of my life and my best friend! i have 2 wonderful sons who i love soooo much!
(we had friends over on my birthday for pizza and johnny got me a strawberry cake from edgar's)
most importantly i have an amazing God who loves me! without Him i would have not had any of the above.
(saturday we went to pf changs and bowling)
i am so lucky to be 30 and i hope i have many many more birthdays to come!!
i had the best birthday ever!! thanks to everybody for making me feel so special!