
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Monday, November 30, 2009

thanksgiving 2009

jack didn't really like playing in the leaves like we thought he would. he did enjoy playing with this stick though.

our beautiful japanese maple

i racked all these leaves by myself! johnny helped bag them up though

jack likes to put things on his train

he loves his train!

pushing the button (i can't unbold this for some reason)

thanksgiving 2009

ty's 31st birthday was on thanksgiving and emmie made him a delicious red velvet cake

frank pushed jack down the hallway on the worm

jack looking at the baby in the mirror :)

frank the tank as we call him...he weighs more than jack and he is 2 months younger!!

jack loves to give hugs these days and i love it! he loves his papa!

the boys with their favorite toy at mimi and papa' is a play oven and stove.

dad made a crab boil the day after was yummy!

the boys with their great uncle teddyboy

my little flirt with his mimi


he brought the keyboard up on the couch the other day. he was concentrating so hard while playing it

jack loves this keyboard and has figured out how to play it

scary moment: jack can climb halfway up the babygate now...not long before he will be climbing over it! i think we need to get one that doesn't have places for him to put his feet

christmas tree

jack's first time hanging an ornament on a christmas tree

jack putting on his footprint ornament he made last year

putting the angel on the tree with daddy...i am sure this will become a tradition :)

jack is very proud of our tree!!


he built this all by himself!!!!

this is the new way to play with his table toy

jack went to go see santa yesterday and did great! no tears!! and he smiled! i will try to post a picture of it later

Friday, November 20, 2009


jack will be 13 months old tomorrow!! he is doing a lot these days...
* jack signed "more" the other day! johnny and i sign more every now and then but we are not very consistant with it. we do it at dinner when we ask him if he wants "more" cheerios or "more" water. anyway, i was playing with him the other day and i asked him if he wanted "more"and he did the sign!! i was so proud! he surprises me when he does new things. i didn't know he was even really listening to us.

* jack also knows where his belly button is now. when i say "where is your belly button?" he points to his tummy or that general region of his body!

* jack says "doo" for shoe

* he knows how to ask for a kiss and give me kisses (thanks to sarah). when i say "mmmm" he leans in for me to kiss his forehead!! and then randomly he will say "mmmm" and he will come over to me for a kiss. it has to be the sweetest thing in the whole entire world!

* he splashes in the tub like a mad man and hates getting out. he cries and kicks his legs to get back in.

* he loves books and wants me to read them over and over

* we went to the library for the first time on wednesday for a thing they call lapsit reading time. it was a lot of fun. we get to go every other week for a session and sing songs and play with puppets and read a story. he was the youngest baby there and did pretty good i think. he didn't want to sit in my lap the whole time so we stood up to listen to a story. he walked up to the lady in charge to get his name tag like all the other kids did. he walked up to get his puppet and his bean bags too. big boy!!

* he has learned how to climb on the ottoman and the coffee table (which scares me to death). i told him "no" very sternly and he hasn't done it since....hopefully he won't do it again. he is so much like johnny was when he was little...climbs on everything!

* he loves yo gabba gabba and watches it every day.

* he loves to dance to music

he is growing up so fast and wants to explore EVERYTHING!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

pretty tree

this tree is so beautiful at botanical gardens. doesn't jack look like such a big boy in his tricycle. he had a lot of fun that day.

i got jack this shirt because it is very appropriate for him...

see...he is in pete's bed. for some reason he likes to climb in it :)

pushing a truck at the park. he is such a boy!

he tried to fix everything with this stick he found

fixing the stairs! this is jack's first time to climb stairs

we brought the stick home with us and pete stole it from jack right away. i forgot that pete used to love to tear up sticks

jack coloring a picture

this tree is still very popular at botanical gardens...especially now that the leaves have fallen

jack with daddy

my sweet baby boy!

silly daddy! he put these green beer goggles on jack at house and kelly's. jack thought it was too silly and took them off

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

sarah and kate's visit to birmingham

jack ate cheerios and noodles for the first time on november 3rd over at house and kelly's. kate was eating cheerios and cheese so with the peer pressure from my friends i let jack try some. he did great! jack has a very sensitive gag reflex. he has thrown up multiple times with solid food, but not this time. he put them in his mouth like he has been doing this all of his life. he loved the cheerios!

look how proud he is!!

house is helping jack out with the noodles

jack couldn't figure out how to pick up the noodles because they would slip out of his fingers. so this is what he did! smart kid!

sherie came for a visit and told us a lot of peds advice!

we went to the zoo with kate and sarah to see all the animals since we didn't get to on halloween. andrea and clara met us there and clara had the coolest toy that jack just loved! i think i know what he will be asking santa for :) it is muno from yo gabba gabba. jack didn't want to give it back

this tree was so beautiful

clara, kate, and jack

the tiger paced back and forth right in front of was so cool. the kids really liked watching it.

we had so much fun with sarah and kate while they were in birmingham. sarah got her southern fix and it was fun having a friend here all the time. i was never bored and neither was jack. jack loved having a playmate here all the time and trying to hug her which he just ends up tackling her!! we hope they come back to visit again :)

halloween 2009

we had a blast on halloween this year. sarah and kate flew in on halloween to stay with us for a week. we carved our pumpkin during the day and that night we went to boo at the zoo with sarah, kate, and grandmol. we had so much fun! we rode the train, carousel, went to the petting zoo, went trick or treating, and saw lots of cool costumes.

our family 2009

look how tiny he was!! he was 10 days old last halloween.