
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Thursday, January 29, 2009

new hair cut, bjorn, and tummy time with dad

here is my new hair cut. i needed a change so i cut bangs mom told me when we were 3 months old that is when she started to feel like herself again (i agree) i am starting to feel better and i could actually button some of my old pants!!
in this picture i was practicing using the bjorn with jack turned away from me. it is weird to not use my hands. jack is a heavy boy...i think johnny will have to use it more than me.

johnny played with jack the other night while i folded some was adorable!!

visit with michele in columbus

a new outfit from mimi

jack fell asleep while his mimi was holding him

we went to a pottery place in columbus and got jack's footprint on a tile

my dad made a fire in the firepit...jack loved it, but i was worried the whole time that he was too hot.

meeting his aunt michele

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

sleeping jack with molly

when molly came to visit us in birmingham around christmas we took this picture with her camera and she sent it to me so i had to post it because it is just too precious! he loves his aunt molly!!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

3 months, johnny's bday, bath, park

jack got this cool chair from chris and sarah and is just now able to use it. he is really sitting up well (with the help from us and the chair). he has great head control now. he is also really starting to figure out his hands and feet. he will grab his feet with his hands and then try to eat them. he will grasp on to a toy dangled in front of him so hard that if he was strong enough he could pull himself up. he loves to suck his thumb and his pacie (with the help from us...he can't keep that thing in his mouth). he is drooling a ton and a little fussier than normal so we think he could be starting the teething process. he smiles at his dad when he comes home from work. he will laugh when we laugh sometimes.

our baby boy is 3 months old!!

happy 26th birthday to johnny. i am just now able to post the pictures from his bday. johnny cooked his own birthday dinner...he wanted to. he made lamb chops for him and a steak for me. he was in heaven.

notice johnny holding the pacie for jack in the background :)

johnny picked out this design!!

jack LOVES bathtime!! he kicks his legs and giggles the whole time and then loves to pee in the tub :)

cool hair

getting dry

so handsome!!

snuggling with his mom and pete!

we walked to the park the other was a bit chilly

oh he loves to suck his thumb!

awe mom!

Friday, January 16, 2009

nashville, chattanooga, birmingham

this is johnny playing with his new computer (it's a mac book pro) that his dad got him for his birthday/graduation...jack really likes looking at the computer with his dad!

jack started to really suck his thumb today. he has tried before but could never get the hang of it. today he sucked on it for a long time and even for a car ride.

look at that big boy holding his head up

looking at his mom

looking at his dad

father and son taking a bath together!!

we went to Chattanooga to visit jack's new cousin, frank, and uncle ty and aunt emmie. pete really loved playing with meg while we were there (and she actually liked playing with him this time)

emmie, ty, frank, johnny, jack, and me

jack looks huge compared to frank. jack was frank's size just 2 months ago...crazy!! they are 2 months and 1 week apart. they will have lots of fun growing up!

jack met our friend karla when we went to nashville for johnny's interview at vanderbilt.

jack with his aunt molly!!!

jack is already blogging!!

and driving, too!! so advanced!

this is a video from our new camera that johnny's dad got us for christmas. it is jack's bath on christmas eve (we got to open it early so we could video christmas stuff). we are still learning how to edit the videos but wanted to post something now.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

first bottle and reaching for his toy

he is getting so smart. he changes every day. he is still sleeping really well. he loves taking walks in my arms outside. he is noticing his feet and other things around him and is really starting to reach for toys we hold in front of him. he laughs at us a lot...especially at his daddy.

ps - jack says "happy birthday grandmol!"

first bottle and new tummy time mat

we gave jack a bottle the other day (1-2-09) and he did great! we aren't going to give him one a lot, but we figured it would be nice to give him one at friends houses so that i don't have to go to another room for 30 minutes.
the first suck from a bottle...he's not too sure about it

realizing that it is still mom's milk

yay! he did great!

jack's new is a tummy time mat with a boppy that is his size. he seems to like it
(if you enlarge the photo you can see all the drool coming out of his mouth...he is drooling up a storm these days)

playing with the toys

Thursday, January 1, 2009

smiling jack

we finally captured jack smiling on camera (well, our friend kelly captured it with their nice camera)...thanks kelly!
i have tried for weeks now to get this on our camera, but everytime he smiles i miss it or he stops when i turn on the camera. he loves to laugh and smile now! isn't he the cutest baby you have ever seen?!?

johnny must have been saying something funny

this is his (what we call) "ahh shucks" face.

these are just a few random pictures that we have taken and are just now getting a chance to post
jack loves his big brother and pete loves his little brother
giving jack a bath...he loves baths now...we will have to post a video later

johnny lost his frisbee when we were playing frisbee golf...he shaved a mustache and had to sweep his frisbee out of a sewer (classic)



we did the ultimate no no....i fell asleep with him in the bed...but johnny was awake

new year's eve
we ate a really yummy dinner with our friends