
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, July 31, 2011

tummy time

we try to let charlie do tummy time a few times every day. he seems to like it. he has a pretty strong neck when he is on our chest and tummy, but can't quite hold it high enough for a good picture on the blanket.
jack loves to be right there by his baby brother for tummy time. he tells him that he is doing a good job :)
as you can tell he does move his head...
as you can tell he does move his head...

he turned it the other way.

this is just because he is too cute eating his cereal!
(he has to eat everything in the box right drives me crazy because 1) i don't know how much he eats 2) he drops the box and they spill out and 3) his grubby hands are in the box)

he also has to do everything "by myself"...when he goes to the bathroom he has to shut the door and do it by himself. he wants to put his crocs on and take them off by himself. this new found independence is cute though!!

by the way, jack has not had a potty accident since charlie was born and i think before that. we are so proud of him! he even goes all night and naptime without wetting his pullup. he has a few more toys coming his way soon :)

mcwane center with 2 boys

i had my first outing with jack and charlie on friday. we went to the mcwane center with my friends from mama and me. i was nervous about going and almost backed out, but i knew that if i didn't just do it then i might not ever!! so i decided that it would be the best time since i would have my friends to help. i am so thankful for them and couldn't have done it with out them. jack does not like to stay in one place at the mcwane center so that makes nursing a little difficult or it would have if melissa and jenny weren't there with me. they took jack to play while i nursed. that was my first time nursing in public with him...not the easiest thing at this point, but we survived without showing the world my goods :)
jack had a lot of fun and was good for the most part. he didn't want to play with his friends very much. he doesn't even know they are there when there is so much around him to play with.

i wore the moby wrap that my friend, alli let me borrow. i watched the video about how to wear it the night before and got freaked out. it is A LOT of fabric!! when i got to the mcwane center i got melissa to show me how to wear it. it was comfortable but HOT! and poor charlie looks like his neck is going to break. he was comfy in it and slept great until he got hungry and he got hot toward the end too.
(don't look at my double chin...hopefully that will go away soon)

me and my boys!!

Monday, July 25, 2011

this weekend

we started out by giving jack a "we are proud of you for being potty trained" present. he got the professor from cars 2

then cousin frank came to play and meet charlie (with ty and emmie)

then molly came to visit and brought jack this awesome sprinkler.

he had a great time until the mosquitos started biting us!!

(i know we are redneck for letting him play in his undies!! we are also redneck because he climbs through the doggy door to get into the porch!)

we also did lots of yawning!!

jack fed woody to rex

we did a little tummy time and jack had to be right there with charlie

and did a little tummy time with him encouraging him the whole time!
it was a good weekend, but it went by WAY too fast!

more visitors

we had some other visitors this weekend :)

Friday, July 22, 2011

washing jack's face

johnny gives jack his bath and this is how he washes his face!!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

2 weeks and bath

we went for our first family of 4 outing last night to tcby.

jack got his first fudgesicle you can see he enjoyed it...just a little too slowly!

charlie is 2 weeks old today. it is hard to believe that he has already been with us for 2 weeks! it feels like yesterday that we brought him home to me. so far he has been a great baby. i mean he has his moments for sure, but for the most part he is good. i think he will be a go with the flow baby because he sleeps through jack screaming, running, banging on things, saying choo choo, etc.
he seems to calm down when i lay him on my chest and let him listen to my heart beat. he likes the pacie, but not always. he is a great eater! he sleeps great during the day and somewhat great at night. we have had good nights and bad, but alteast now we have figured out a way to get him to sleep fast after the feedings.
i think that (so far) going from 1 to 2 is so much better than going from 0 to 1. so maybe i could handle a third (we'll see later on...way later on).
trying to do some tummy time. he can lift his head so well when he is on our chest, but didn't lift it so well on the floor.

charlie got his first real bath tonight. his cord fell off a few days ago, but we have been so tired at night that we have put off the real bath (don't judge us)

after his bath with a full tummy!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

brotherly love

jack is really learning to be gentle with charlie. we have told him to let charlie grab his finger and he seems to like that.
i needed to hang up some clothes so my babies rested for a minute together :)

Monday, July 18, 2011

changing table differences

jack the giant!

charlie the tiny itsy bitsy baby

so sweet!

his cheeks are getting bigger


daddy with his boys

jack begged all day to hold charlie :)

last night around 2 am charlie was matter what i did he just wasn't happy. so johnny gave it a shot. the second he held him and said hey charlie...charlie stopped crying. he loves his daddy!!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

random charlie pics

so far charlie has been a great, relaxed baby. (except for last night...we were up from bedtime until like more pepperoni for a while)

he loves the pacie

tiny hands

our little burrito
(he is like his brother and does not like for his arms to be swaddled)

clean baby!


jack has been pretty good since we came home with his little brother. he is testing us sometimes though. he makes us say things to him over and over when we are trying to discipline him...which makes us very angry. for the most part i think he is doing great!

the big news is that he is almost completely potty trained!! he has not had an accident in weeks (atleast i can't remember one). he even told my parents that he had to tee tee when they went to the hotel pool (while he was in the pool). i am super proud of him :)

testing out charlie's birthday cake...he approved!

eating a snack with charlie

snuggle time with daddy!

jack walking to mimi and papa's car from preschool

jack got a package from tia and molly

so excited!

it is a cars book that recorded tia and molly reading to jack. it is so neat! i think he loves the fact that he doesn't have to get us to read it to him...he can just flip the pages himself and listen to the book.

after charlie's bath

jack caught my cold and had a slight fever yesterday (i think) and just laid down on the ground and rested for like an hour. then rested on the couch and watched nemo. poor buddy! it is so unlike jack to just lay down...he is usually on the go until naptime or bedtime.