
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Saturday, February 21, 2009

a day in the life of a 4 month old...

jack wakes up around 8:00 every morning. he wakes up very happy and usually when i walk in there he is trying to get his feet, but he has a sleep sack on and can't grab them. he then has his first feeding of the day

then he gets his diaper changed and we pick out one of the many outfits of the day...since he spits up a lot now!!

i eat my breakfast while jack plays on his mat. he is pretty quiet in the mornings and just kind of watches me eat and laughs a little while he watches me chew :)

then we take pete for a walk...i usually hold jack because we try to make it quick since it is cold in the mornings

he takes his first nap around 9:30 or 10:00 everyday. jack is a short napper...he takes 30 minute naps all day. which i am glad that he sleeps all night, but i can't get much done in 30 minutes. oh well!!

when he wakes up we play for a bit and then he eats and gets a diaper change. jack loves to try to eat his feet now :)

then after a few hours he naps for 30 minutes again and then it is tummy time. after he plays it is time to eat again.

we go on an afternoon walk with pete (if the weather is nice). jack LOVES this part of the day!! he loves when the wind blows his hair and to watch pete run around.
we play for a little while and then it is time for yet another 30 minute nap.

after he naps it is time to eat again and then johnny comes home and jack gets really excited!! he loves his daddy!

after he plays with his daddy he will take another nap

then it is time for his bath...

jack loves taking a bath!! he is so much fun :)

getting all dry!

jack will eat again. we will play quietly for a while and usually take one more small nap before bedtime while we look for houses on the computer

then it is time to go to bed. our bedtime routine is to eat in his room with a lamp on, change into his nightshirt and sleep sack, read a book, get kisses from mom and dad, and then listen to his music light show until he falls asleep

things jack loves at 4 months old:
* watching pete run after a toy down the hall way
* petting pete
* looking in the mirror
* baths
* mom and dad
* baby einstein and tv
* his bumbo chair
* skina marinka dinka dink (spelling?)
* the itsy bitsy spider
* holding his feet and trying to eat them
* making his crazy new noise deep in his throat (wait for the upcoming video)
* sucking his thumb or pacie
* books
* having tummy time
* taking a walk in the bjorn
* our friends
* eating
* watching his mom do her hair...he likes the blow dryer

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Didn't you leave the Tool lullabies off his favorites list? He's going to be a rock star. We liked how you covered his hoohoo for his bath picture.