
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Monday, February 16, 2009

happy valentine's day!!

well the family picture didn't turn out great, but it will do. pete was yawning and jack wasn't looking at the camera...oh well!

my sweet baby boy (one of my 3 valentines) !!

johnny got me chocolates and pears from harry and david's!! i got johnny a vase that he has had his eye on for a while, but i didn't take a picture of it.

we had a yummy dinner at home this year as a family! we cooked sundried tomato pork tenderloin, mashed potatoes, and salad. then we had a yummy pear for dessert! we watched fireproof...which had a great message, but the acting was not so good. it was a great night!!

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