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Friday, October 1, 2010

callaway trip night 3

jack and clara enjoying a snack together

my parents came to eat dinner with us sunday night. we grilled out kabobs in the pouring rain. i was so scared they were going to burn our chalet down with the flame from the grill because they put it right next to the door under the tiny awning we had. we were fine though and the kabobs were yummy!

i love this picture my mom took of andrea reading to the kids

me and my daddy!

this picture turned out great!!

so did this one!

this is actually day 4, but i didn't want to make another blog just for it...jack and clara did pretty much everything together on this trip...which i love! they are really starting to play well together and i think they really enjoy eachothers company. of course they still fight over toys but they are doing much better about listening to us the first time and giving it up to the other.

all in all this was an amazing trip and we (hopefully) will do this or something like it every year!!

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