
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

3 months, johnny's bday, bath, park

jack got this cool chair from chris and sarah and is just now able to use it. he is really sitting up well (with the help from us and the chair). he has great head control now. he is also really starting to figure out his hands and feet. he will grab his feet with his hands and then try to eat them. he will grasp on to a toy dangled in front of him so hard that if he was strong enough he could pull himself up. he loves to suck his thumb and his pacie (with the help from us...he can't keep that thing in his mouth). he is drooling a ton and a little fussier than normal so we think he could be starting the teething process. he smiles at his dad when he comes home from work. he will laugh when we laugh sometimes.

our baby boy is 3 months old!!

happy 26th birthday to johnny. i am just now able to post the pictures from his bday. johnny cooked his own birthday dinner...he wanted to. he made lamb chops for him and a steak for me. he was in heaven.

notice johnny holding the pacie for jack in the background :)

johnny picked out this design!!

jack LOVES bathtime!! he kicks his legs and giggles the whole time and then loves to pee in the tub :)

cool hair

getting dry

so handsome!!

snuggling with his mom and pete!

we walked to the park the other was a bit chilly

oh he loves to suck his thumb!

awe mom!


Chris, Sarah, Kate, and Benjamin said...

Oh my goodness...he is just precious. Such a happy boy!

Unknown said...

I am glad you commented on my blog so that I could find yours! YAY! Jack is getting so big. I cannot believe that Peyton will be 10 months this week.