
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Friday, April 27, 2012

jack's first haircut at home

 i asked jack if johnny could cut his hair and he said yes so we went with saved us $20!
(johnny cuts his hair too...he has offered to cut mine and i just can't let him do it...probably because of my home hair cuts as a mom just kept cutting it because it would be uneven on one side and then the other side would be get the point)

he was very serious about staying still

(i know that his bangs look a little crooked, but i hopefully fixed them the next day. also, we did take off a lot of hair, but more in the back than in the front)

charlie swinging and other events of the week

 jack has had a few tea parties with clara and lillian and has really enjoyed it. actually the other day we went over to lillian's house and he said that that was his favorite thing they did. so that night i asked johnny if i could buy jack a curious george tea set that i found on amazon. johnny said, "NO!" apparently boys shouldn't have tea sets (even when they are 3). so i washed jack's play kitchen dishes and we had us a tea party! i don't think it was as much fun as the little bitty cups that clara and lillian have! 

 we went to the park with eli and shepard yesterday and i let charlie get in the swing for the first time. he LOVED it as you can tell!

 jack loves playing with all the trucks they have at the park. alli was there and she looked great...i should have moved the camera over just a little bit to get her 39 week pregnant belly in the picture!

 i am lucky that i have a husband that doesn't mind vacuuming and who is teaching his son how to not mind also!

 he is the best!!

 jack has started to really want to collect rocks...i did the same thing as a child. i would come home from school with tons of rocks and we had a gravel driveway in my house that we lived in until i was can imagine how many rocks came inside with me to go into my rock collection. anyway, we made a rock collection box for jack.

he also loves to collect sticks and leaves and really whatever else he thinks looks cool. so we had to make another box today.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

knocking down blocks

this just shows how different my boys are (atleast how they were/are at 9 months)

charlie is so careful with the blocks

jack went straight for knocking them over
this video is before jack could walk, but he started walking soon after this video at 91/2 months old
(it's the middle video on the link)

our day with thomas the train

 last saturday we went to see thomas the train! we had so much fun and jack was super excited!

 riding thomas the train!

charlie just couldn't keep his eyes open any longer :)

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

charlie's crawl

charlie's army man crawl! he is pretty fast when he wants to be :)

botanical gardens with clara

 seriously, how cute are these two?!? i LOVE this picture so much!

 floating acorn tops down the stream

this is at the zoo...
looking at the poop :)

puffs and lucky charms

 charlie tried puffs for the first time on the 15th
he was not a fan! he liked picking them up, but did not like once they got in his mouth. he cringed and then starting crying.

 i made some chocolate buttercream icing and jack liked the spatula!

 i thought it was funny that he was playing with the paint roller and wearing his i love papa shirt! 
must run in the family!!

 this one is for you papa!!

jack got some lucky charms from his friend's birthday party and put them on his chin and said he was "charm man". then i said that he was prince charming :) 

backyard fun

 watching big brother in the pool

 yay for cloud dough

we got new sand for the sand box!!

baby recognition

 our church has one sunday of every year where it recognizes all the babies born in that year. 
(april 15, 2012)

i love this sunday every year and i am so thankful that God blessed us with charlie and allowed us to participate this year :)

see saw

 we tried to go to aldridge gardens a few weeks ago and the parking lot was roped off for a wedding so we walked around a pond by the library and found a little park.

 jack was running down a ramp and got scared of a duck that he says "chased him" and he ran into the rail. poor buddy!

i think johnny looks pretty good wearing the ergo :)

charlie standing

 charlie is getting better at pulling up 

 but hasn't quite mastered standing up :)

 jack at 9 months

charlie at 9 months

Thursday, April 19, 2012

kendall boggs fine art giveaway

she is giving away one of her dress paintings! go sign up to win!!

Friday, April 13, 2012

this week

jack got handy's hangtime bridge for easter from mimi and papa. he attached it to his chuck stunt park set that he got from them a while back. he thought of it and did it all by himself!

we went to the zoo with andrea, clara, and joseph yesterday. it was nice to go with just them...we haven't done that in a while. anyway, jack wants to hold clara's hand ALL the time and she usually doesn't want to, but yesterday she decided to let him!! it made his day! she's just playing hard to get :)
andrea and i always say that we need to save pictures for their rehearsal dinner...this is one of those pictures!!!

jack puts "gas" in the tractor before he rides in it. this is clara putting "gas" in it for jack :)

i can't believe that they are both looking at the camera!

jack said that they were camping and sleeping in a sleeping bag

johnny ordered a shelf for my couponing goods!! i know this is nothing like on the show extreme couponing, but i think i am doing pretty good at it. it does save us a lot of money and it usually only takes me one naptime to go through my coupons to see what matches up with the sale items at publix. we have more than this, but this is a lot of it.

jack requested that we make an airplane out of the box that the shelves came in. i think it turned out pretty good

charlie is really starting to want to pull up on things. this is the first time he pulled up on jack's chair.
